As an internet store only, Forgedd strives to provide the best and competitive price and deal in the Philippine market. Since our operational expenses, such as rent, electricity bill, employees' salaries, are lesser than those in brick and mortar retail stores, we pass these savings onto you, our valued customers, by cutting the cost of the products we sell. Thus, we are able to offer you every day carry (edc), outdoor gear and tactical products at the best and lowest price as possible.

However, we understand that we are unable to monitor the market prices of all items we sell. Thus, we are offering you our Price Match Policy. Should you find a retail store, and even a reputable online seller, selling the exact same item (color, size, SKU, etc.) at a lower price, we will beat it, or at the very least price match it. We are committed to provide you the best deal and the best value for your money.

In order to facilitate your request for our best price, please provide the URL or web address of the competitor's product page (such as in Lazada, Facebook, etc.), or name of retail store, address and telephone number at our Contact Us page. We will reply to you via email or call as soon as possible. We reserve the right to verify the information before sending you our best price.

Terms and Conditions of our Price Match Policy:

The product you’re comparing must meet each of the following criteria to qualify for a price match:

  • Must have the exact same brand name and model # or model name. The item must be the exact same item (color, size, SKU, etc.) on both our website and the competitor's website or retail store.
  • The competitor must be selling several items similar to our items, and not merely disposing of his personal stuff or selling on a one-time basis only.
  • The competitor must have the exact same item in stock and on hand. We cannot match prices of items that are being sold on order basis, i.e., the seller orders the item only if someone wants to buy it. There is no real competition as the seller has invested nothing and assumes no risk of not being able to recoup his capital. For the same reason, our guarantee does not likewise extend to freight forwarders offering to buy/import items on your behalf for a fee.
  • The product’s price must not be lower due to an advertising error, misprint, or special sale price.
  • The competitor must offer the same warranty as we offer or better.
  • If the competitor charges shipping separately, the shipping cost must be factored in the price match.
  • This guarantee is for new, authentic and unused product only.
  • This guarantee does not cover auction sites, closeouts, clearance sales and pricing error.
  • The competitor must be a seller based in the Philippines ONLY. We cannot beat/match prices of online sellers based outside the country, as their prices do not include shipping, importation costs, duties, etc. to the Philippines. 
  • You will not earn rewards points to get additional discounts for items purchased under our price match.
  • We reserve the right to end this guarantee at any time or not to offer our Best Price Guarantee without assigning any reasons